Through the finished work of Jesus Christ there is healing for the total YOU : spirit, soul and body! The Healing Clinic is God's hand extended to facilitate His love and power to make you whole!

Do you know someone faced with a challenging situation and in need of a faith-surge? Refer them to Prophet Anita's article: "The Kind of Faith that Changed God's Mind," at
Our Purpose
Anita McCoy, fully licensed and ordained, is the Founding Pastor/Director of Field of Dreams Harvest Ministries (December 2013). As a school of ministry and training center, "Field of Dreams" is the parent company of other ministries developed by Anita: The Healing Clinic of Erie, PA.(January 2009), and His Echo School of Prophetic Ministry (2015) which allow Anita to effectively serve as an apostolic leader in the Body of Christ.
Our Role
Field of Dreams Harvest Ministries is commissioned to teach, equip, activate and release the Body of Christ in their God-ordained destiny and prophetic and apostolic ministry gifts of prophecy, healing, deliverance and miracles!
The Healing Clinic was birthed out of a mandate Anita received from the Lord in 2006 to "Restore healing back to the Church!" Anita fullu believes people can live their best life everyday~. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have LIFE, and that they might have it more abundantly!" - John 10:10. In The Healing Clinic people witness the power and authority of God setting lives free of emotional, physical and spiritual pain!
His Echo School of Prophetic Ministry provides a variety of training sessions and workshops to equip, activate and facilitate the restoration of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit necessary for effective fivefold ministry. Our desire is to help establish the apostolic and prophetic ministry to the Body of Christ in accordance with Ephesians 4, so that these foundational ministries can help to edify the Christ's Church throughout the world.
****Our Location****
Field of Dreams Harvest Ministries, 1236 French Street, Erie, PA 16501 (Downtown Erie near corner of 12th and State Streets.)
I have available an EXCELLENT resource that will increase your power and effectiveness in addressing the seven (7) cultures of society! "Speak to the Mountains!: Prayers and Prophetic Decrees for the 7 Mountains of Cultural Influence" will equip you to daily impact, influence, and change the world around you!
Obtain your copy TODAY! Make your request on our "Contact Us" link above or find our Facebook page: Field of Dreams Harvest Ministries #eriepa;
Our Weekly Service Times:
Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday Night Word ALIVE Bible Study/Healing at 7:00 p.m.
A key component of this service delivery time is The Healing Clinic which is open to the community for those in need of physical, emotional and spiritual healing!
"The Prophetic Voice of Healing Ministry Call"
Sign up for your very own personal One-on-one ministry appointment with Apostle Anita McCoy via this Free Conferencing call line!
In these calls Apostle Anita is able to administer the dynamics of spiritual instruction/counsel, mentorship, prophecy, prayer and intercession to assist you in the areas of healing, deliverance and "how-to" fulfill your personal God-ordained destiny!
These individual appointment times of instruction, prayer and personal prophetic ministry can be retrieved for your ongoing times of planning, meditation and prayer
To schedule:
Click the "booknow!" button below for available time slots. We look forward to serving you!
Mission and History
Our mission is to demonstrate to the world that Jesus Christ has redeemed it from the curse of the law and to let people know that they can be healed in every area of their life! The Healing Clinic of Erie, PA began serving the community January 2009 through prayer workshops, healing schools and deliverance seminars. Prophet Anita McCoy also travels throughout the tri-state region conducting prophetic and healing revivals, healing workshops/clinics, and deliverance training seminars. Stay tuned for upcoming training opportunities via teleconferences on such topics as: Operating the Gift of Healing, Moving in Miracle Working Power, Mapping Your Destiny, Identity and Upgrade.
There's nothing like hearing overcoming testimonies of victory! Receive a blessing and have your faith increased as you read these testimonies:
"Through the ministry of The Healing Clinic, I was healed of multiple sclerosis." -- Ann, Erie, PA
"I received the activation of my prophetic gift and call, when Prophet Anita prayed for me ." -- Patricia, Cleveland, OH
"I came to The Healing Clinic, received prayer for a case of shingles that would not go away; the next morning I was completely healed!" -- Georgeann, Erie, PA
- The Lord performed a creative miracle for a young man name "Frankie" by straightening his crooked leg and hip, causing him to walk straight for the first time in his life! - Ashtabula, OH
"I had been experiencing radiating pain throughout my body for well over a month and told by my doctor that a breast cancer had returned. I received prayer at The Healing Clinic and the following morning I woke to discover that all pain has left my body; I haven't had pain for a week now, and the cancerous spot that the doctor said was returning is leaving! The spot is getting smaller! ~ C.H., Erie, PA
- While ministering at a retreat in Blue Mountain, PA a woman came forth for healing of a severe case of psoriasis of the scalp which only seemed to grow worse with treatments. After receiving prayer during the Saturday night service she reported the very next morning that the condition was completely gone! Healed by the power of God!
- At the same retreat several women reported complete healing of chronic knee pain as they stood and received under a corporate anointing, the word of the Lord to cast out fear and any need for knee replacement surgery.
*** In 2013 the Lord favored the ministry as we began witnessing a proliferation of testimonies coming forth as it relates to various forms of cancer and tumors! To date and counting there has been the manifestation of healing of over a dozen breast cancers and tumors, cysts on ovaries, and throat cancer! To God be ALL the Glory!
Reviews and Testimonies from The Prophetic Voice of Healing: (Click "Button" below)
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